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Implementation plans for Gaokao reform announced

The Ministry of Education has publicised guidance documents and infographics on the implementation of the Gaokao (college entrance exam) reform. Each of the documents focuses on a particular area of the reform, including the new high school academic proficiency test, the Gaokao bonus points policy, and the independent recruitment of students by higher education institutions. (links above in Chinese)

The new academic proficiency test will cover 14 subjects, while students can choose three subjects to be included in the Gaokao results alongside the mandatory Chinese, math and English scores. Students will also be evaluated based on non-academic factors, such as their physical health, moral behaviour and creativity.

Since 2003, the Ministry of Education has gradually increased the autonomy of higher education institutions in recruiting students. So far, 90 institutions are included in the pilot scheme, which now accounts for 5 per cent of all student enrolments. In 2014, 23,000 students were recruited through the scheme.

Link to news (English)

Link to infographics (Chinese)