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HR blueprint: China's higher education has entered the stage of student sourcing crisis

This morning, the Chinese Academy of Personnel Science published a blueprint for China's human resources development for 2011-2012. The blueprint points out that, during the "12th Five-Year Plan" period, as the number of college students decreases and the demand of industrial structural upgrades for college graduates increases, the employment rate of college graduates six months after they graduate from universities will remain at about 90 per cent. Meanwhile, the improvement of the employment environment will bring more options to college graduates. Salaries and jobs matching majors will increase. The employment quality of college graduates will become the most obvious characteristic during the "12th Five-Year Plan" period. The blueprint says that China's higher education has entered the stage of a student sourcing crisis, because of a decrease of newborn infants. In addition, the trend that a falling number of students are taking the national college entrance examination will last until 2017-2020. Reports Chinanews.com,Beijing