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Hong Kong students heading home, with reports of difficulty accessing UK healthcare

The Hong Kong government has included the U.K. in the list of countries for which inbound arrivals need to home quarantine for 14 days (source). Following this announcement, a range of Hong Kong media publications have today published articles about Hong Kong students returning home from the U.K. 

The Standard quotes a number of students who are looking to return home:

"Nine out of 10 Hong Kong students I know have booked flight tickets to go home next week," she said, adding the university had e-mailed them about suspending face-to-face teaching. She will be doing her exams online. "I worry about the coronavirus more than my studies," she said.

Furthermore, some articles have quoted Hong Kong students in the U.K. who have reported virus-like symptoms, but have had difficulty accessing healthcare, including Covid-19 tests and medication. The South China Morning Post for example has quoted a Hong Kong government lawmaker, who relates anecdotes from students:

“A Hong Kong student in London started coughing and has had a low-grade fever since Tuesday. Her roommates and teachers also started to show symptoms. They called private clinics for help but were rejected,” Quat said.

“Another student in Manchester suspects he has the coronavirus because he has a fever and cough. He sought help in hospital but doctors told him just to quarantine himself. He was not tested or given any medication.”

Cathay Pacific are re-instating some flights from London to Hong Kong, citing high demand from students wanting to return home (source). 

Separately, Macau authorities have suggested that of around 3,000 students studying in Europe and the U.K., around 1,000 have expressed their intention to return home (source).

Commentary by Steve Corry, Education Services Lead, East Asia steven.corry@britishcouncil.org.hk

In addition to Hong Kong and Macau, a number of countries and territories in the Asia-Pacific region have now included the U.K. in the list of countries for travel restrictions, including 14 day quarantines for any arriving passengers who have been in the U.K. These include Australia, ChinaMacauSingapore, and Taiwan, while Vietnam has banned entry. Some countries have imposed stricter screening measures and a requirement to report arrivals health status to authorities, such as South Korea and Thailand. For travel advice please of course refer to the FCO, in particular the Health section for each country - https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice

It is possible that students from a broad range of countries will now be looking from the U.K. to their home countries, especially if they expect quarantine to be implemented in their home countries.