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Hong Kong annual policy address

Each January the Chief Executive of Hong Kong delivers a policy address, which outlines the government’s policy direction for the coming year.

This year the address was delivered in the shadow of recent democracy protests, and featured references to correcting the mistakes of misguided students.
On a more practical level, the address provided some interesting policy items:

  • The Government is working to set up an Innovation and Technology Bureau, in order to provide policy coordination between government, industry, academia and the research sector.
  • Subsidies will be provided to support local design graduates to undertake internships or continue studies overseas. 
  • Increasing the number of publicly funded degree places for medicine and dentistry will be considered.
  • The community colleges of universities will be asked to lower tuition fees.

The policy address also reiterated government support for industries that are demonstrating higher than average growth, i.e. professional services, logistics and the creative industries.

The address did not include any major announcements regarding the local education system or provision.

Read the Policy Address here.


For further market insight on Hong Kong, please contact Steve Corry, Regional Business Development Manager, steven.corry@britishcouncil.org.hk.