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HKU tweak admissions criteria for HKDSE students

Starting from the 201920 academic year, local secondary graduates who achieve Level 5 or above in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) will be awarded bonus JUPAS points by the University of Hong Kong (HKU). However, this new system will not apply to the University’s Medicine, Pharmacy or Biomedical Sciences bachelor’s degree programmes until 2020.

Under the current system, Level 5 is equivalent to five JUPAS points (with 5* equating to six points and 5** to seven points). After the changes, however, candidates will have their point score boosted by between 0.5 and 1.5 for each subject in which they score a Level 5 or above (i.e. Level 5 = 5.5; Level 5*= 6; Level 5**= 8.5). That is to say, if a candidate achieves Level 5 in all 6 subjects, their new score would be 33 points instead of 30.

This new system will allow for greater recognition of students’ academic achievement beyond the four core subjects (Chinese, English, Maths and Liberal Studies) by allowing for lower grades in these subjects to be compensated for by stronger performances in others. Professor John Spinks, HKU’s Director of Undergraduate Admissions was quoted in the South China Morning Post as saying that ‘[The new system] can actually make up for the lower scores if students achieve a similar number of higher scores that reflect their ability to excel in those subjects’


Comments by Karen Hsu, Education Services Manager (Hong Kong)

Further to the announcements earlier this year from Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Hong Kong Science & Technology University (HKUST) regarding plans to relax the entry requirements at their respective institutions, HKU has now announced its own plans for changes to their admissions criteria. When looking at the changes planned by all three universities, it is clear that Hong Kong universities are beginning to move away from a focus on certain grades in the four core subjects only, and towards a system that recognises candidates’ real potential. In doing so, these institutions are positioning themselves to help more students find the future career that best fits their talents.

IES Hong Kong has complied the following information regarding the 201920 admission criteria for CUHK, HKUST and HKU. Under the new systems, applicants would be reconsidered if they did not meet the general university entrance requirement in the 4 core subjects (3322) but satisfy the following conditions:

University   New admission policy Note
CUHK Applicant who obtain Level 5* or 5** in 3 elective STEM-related subjects but do not obtain sufficient grades in the 4 core subjects (3322) would be reconsidered. STEM degree programmes only
HKUST Applicants who receive a grade that is lower than the standard requirement (3322) in 1 core subject but achieve a Level 5* or above in the remaining 5 subjects would be reconsidered. Under the new HKUST’s admission policy, applicants who chose HKUST as their first choice would be re-considered and invited for interview(s) by members of faculty.
HKU Applicants will be awarded between 0.5 and 1.5 extra JUPAS points for scoring Levels 5, 5* or 5** (the top grade) in HKDSE subjects Not applicable to those applying for admission to the following Bachelor’s degree programmes: Medicine, Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences.








Sources: news reports from various local media

This change in HKU's admissions criteria could have some impact to UK universities recruitment in Hong Kong. Studying locally is the first choice of many Hong Kong students, however at present some high performing students may not get a place as they may perform strongly in three of the compulsory HKDSE subjects but not the fourth. This currently provides a market opening for UK universities. By adding more flexibility in admissions criteria HKU may therefore admit such students, meaning that they could be lost to UK universities.

When recruiting in Hong Kong UK universities face the dilemma of a need to not reduce admissions criteria too significantly, while at the same recognising that the top students usually prefer to study locally, meaning that too high criteria makes recruitment difficult.


University of Hong Kong to give bonus points for admission to pupils who get top grades in their DSE exam subjects