HKDSE results announced

79,572 candidates entered the HKDSE Examination this year, of which 65,270 of them are day school candidates and around 13,000 private candidates. Private candidates may include some candidates repeating the examination from last year in the hope of receiving higher grades.

The number of candidates has dropped by 6 per cent, from 82,283 candidates last year, of which 11,000 were private candidates.

The decline in the number of candidates can primarily be attributed to demographics, with fewer secondary school students each year due to Hong Kong’s low birth rate in recent decades. With the number of publicly funded undergraduate places in Hong Kong remaining constant, we can also expect a drop in the overall numbers of students who will enter higher education in the UK compared to last year.

In terms of results, 68 per cent of candidates received level 2 or higher, meaning that they are eligible to enter the civil service in Hong Kong or enter sub-degree programmes. 40 per cent of day school candidates (26,307 students) met the entrance requirements for local undergraduate programmes, with only 15,000 publicly funded places available. A total of 28,418 students met this entrance requirement last year. It is this shortfall that drives much of the student mobility to the UK and other popular study abroad destinations.

For further data or information on student recruitment prospects in Hong Kong, please contact Steve Corry, Regional Business Development Manager at