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  • HKDSE Results 2019 - 42.2% of HKDSE candidates achieving minimum grade to enter local public universities

HKDSE Results 2019 - 42.2% of HKDSE candidates achieving minimum grade to enter local public universities

This week Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) exam results were released for 48,305 candidates, including 47,005 day school candidates. The total number of candidates decreased by 4.8% from last year. The HKDSE results determine whether a student is likely to receive an offer from a local university, and students who are not likely to receive a place now step up efforts to decide which overseas university or college to enroll in for Higher Education.

Each year there is a shortage of local publicly funded university places compared to the number that meet entrance requirements. This year, 19,676 day school candidates met entry criteria (achieved Level 3 or above), compared to last year’s 21,205 candidates. This represents 42.2% of candidates, which is similar to last year’s figure. There are only 15,000 publicly funded places are available via the JUPAS system (the Hong Kong university application system). This showed that an average of 1.3 candidates would be competing for each university places available. Those that miss out will either look to study abroad or enter expensive self-funded programmes. 32,600 candidates of day schools (71.8% of candidates) achieved level 2 or above in five subjects, which is the minimum required to apply for civil service posts or enter sub-degree programmes.

The HKDSE exam includes four core subjects - English, Chinese, Core Mathematics and Liberal Studies. Most candidates also take two elective subjects. In 2019, the most popular elective subjects among day school candidates are Chemistry (12,036) and Economics (11,849) subjects. In terms of the Category B: Applied Learning Subjects, Aviation Studies, Computer Game and Animation Design, Childcare Education, Film and Video and Healthcare Practice are the top 5 most popular subjects this year.

Full results are included in the attached press release from HKEAA - http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/DocLibrary/Media/PR/DSE19_PressRelease_Eng.pdf

IB Diploma results – at least 16% top scorers (achieving maximum 45 points) are from Hong Kong

According to the International Baccalaureate (IB) Organisation, 2,284 pupils across 29 international and local schools in Hong Kong took the exams this year. With 210 perfect scorers around the world, Hong Kong has at least 34 students that scored the maximum 45 points. The report also showed the average grade in Hong Kong was 35.99 points (similar to last year’s average grade), which is and is 6 points higher than the global average. 

Among the 34 perfect scorers, 20 are from the English Schools Foundation (ESF), which is the largest international curriculum schools in Hong Kong, improving from the previous record of 17 in 2015. There were 4 top scorers from Diocesan Boys’ School (DBS) and 1 each from Canadian International School (CNDIS) and Victoria Shanghai Academy (VSA). VSA also reported a 100 percent passing rate from its students with a 37.9 average mean score. From the interviews with Young Post, 4 of the top scorers have chosen to study a Medical degree. There are another 17 ESF students achieved 44 points this year and 214 that scored above 40 points.


SCMP Young Post 

The IB 2019 results are in! We spoke to some of Hong Kong's top scorers after they learned they'd scored 45 points

HKDSE 2019: Exam results reveal 12 top scorers with 5** in seven subjects


Number of top scorers for International Baccalaureate exams in Hong Kong drops to 34 from last year’s 38

DSE19_Press_Release_Eng.pdf2.01 MB