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HKDSE Result 2019 - local universities relax entry requirements

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) results were released on Thursday July 11th. In Hong Kong the first choice higher education destination is often local universities, and HKDSE graduates now gain a second chance to amend their choice of course via the Joint University Porgramme Admission System (JUPAS equates to UCAS in the UK). The window for this is open from the 11th July until Saturday the 13th. The outcome of their applications will be released on the 5th August 2019.

According to the Hong Kong Exam and Assessment Authority (HKEAA), 47,005 candidates from 437 day schools in total took the DSE exam in April, which was a decrease of 7.2% compared to 50,642 last year. 19,728 day school candidates (42.2%) have met the minimum entry requirements for local undergraduate programmes. However, only 15,000 candidates can enter the eight publicly funded universities for Year 1 entry. This means the remainder (4,728) will have to find other alternatives, such as sub-degree programmes or studying abroad. The Secretary General of HKEAA indicated that candidates with 20 JUPAS points would be likely to be admitted by the eight publicly funded universities in Hong Kong during his press conference with the local media.   

In response to shrinking population of HKDSE graduates, local universities have tweaked their admission requirements since last year. They plan to capture students who didn’t meet the minimum grade in Chinese but performed well in other elective subjects related to their chosen degree courses. After the announcement of changing admission policies for the 2019-20 from the city’s top 3 universities*, The University of Hong Kong (HKU), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), the others have also followed suit. Last November, we published the new admission policies of the aforementioned universities and now include two more local universities in QS Ranking Top 200 for UK institutions’ reference:

* HKU tweak admissions criteria for HKDSE students, IES, November 2019

New admission policies of local universities in the 2019-20

QS World


New admission policy




Applicants will be awarded between 0.5 and 1.5 extra JUPAS points for scoring Levels 5, 5* or 5** (the top grade) in HKDSE subjects

Not applicable to those applying for admission to the following Bachelor’s degree programmes: Medicine, Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences.



Among the 6 subjects (332233), if applicants have 1 point below the required grade (against the subject) in 1 subject but achieve 5* in the rest of subjects, HKUST would consider taking them.




Applicant who obtain Level 5* or 5** in 3 elective STEM-related subjects but do not obtain sufficient grades in the 4 core subjects (3322) would be reconsidered.

STEM degree programmes only



Applicants who receive a grade that is lower than the standard requirement (3322) in 1 core subject but achieve a Level 5* or above in the remaining 5 subjects would be reconsidered.

Under the new CityU’s admission policy, applicants who chose CityU as their first choice would be re-considered and invited for interview(s) by members of faculty.



Applicants would be reconsidered unless they met the following requirements:

1.  Achieve 1 point below the required grade (against the subject) in 1 subject but Level 5* or above in the rest of 5 subjects

2. Choose PolyU as their one of top 3 choices

3. Successful completion of admission interview



* City University of Hong Kong (CityU)

* The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)