HKDSE candidature in 2017

According to the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA), this year 62,000 candidates will sit the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) exam, which is the graduation exam for secondary education in the local education system. This number includes 52,100 day school candidates, and is 9% fewer than in 2016. This drop in candidature is reflective of the shrinking secondary school population in Hong Kong.

Similar to previous years, 70% of candidates will be sitting four core subjects plus two electives, while 17% will sit three electives.

HKDSE exam results will be released on 12th of July.


Commentary by Steve Corry, Head of Education Marketing Services (

The size of the secondary school population is a significant factor in student mobility trends from Hong Kong, although in the last two years the decline in tier 4 student visa issuances has not been as severe as the decline in HKDSE graduate numbers. 2017 should mark the last year of significant drop in candidate number, with declines in the next few years being less dramatic, and a recovery in a few years time. International school populations are steadily increasing, and demand for overseas education is also being maintained by social and political issues.

For a more complete analysis of demographic trends please refer to our recent insights blog -

Another indication that the Hong Kong market may be smaller this year than last is attendance at our January exhibition, which was 5,100 visitors this year compared to 6,200 last year.