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HKDSE candidates look to re-sit next year

Despite the 2020 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) exam being three weeks away, reports suggest students are considering re-sitting next year, due to concerns about attainment.

Students are reporting stress due to reduced face to face teaching hours due to school closures, and resulting inability to get direct support from teachers. While schools have moved to online learning, some students however report feeling isolated or that this method is inefficient. Earlier last month (March 2020), a local student well-being organisation had reported that numbers of counselling enquiries were doubled compared to the same time last year.

With these stresses, some students are looking to sit the exams again next year, which might allow them to achieve grades in line with original expectations, and still enter their chosen universities. Some of them even said they may abandon HKDSE exam this year, particularly cross-border candidates (those who reside in Shenzhen but attend school in Hong Kong), according to Hong Kong Economic Times.



Comments by Karen Hsu, Education Services Manager for Hong Kong

To local public school students, HKDSE results are not only crucial for university entry, but also for their future career. Hence, it is not surprised to see some candidates already thinking about resitting the exam, so that they can get better grades.

The implication for UK universities is two-fold:

1. Grade attainment for HKDSE students may be lower than in previous years, and students may be looking for flexibility with admissions requirements.

2. If a significant number of students plan to re-sit next year, there may be smaller demand for university this year, but an increase in 2021 numbers.