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Higher Education is Required to Resolve the Shortage of Engineers in Indonesia

Indonesia Ministry of Public Works and Housing to collaborate with Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education for supporting the emergence of professional engineers in the country. Every year, Indonesia is still facing an engineer shortage. The country needs more professional engineers for the development of infrastructure in particular the construction of dams, roads and housing. Currently, Indonesia needs around 120,000 professional engineers to work for infrastructure development. There are only 40 Indonesian higher education institutions that given a mandate to implement the professional education engineer that collaborate with Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (Indonesian Engineer Unity).

According to Muhammad Nasir – Indonesia’s Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, the need for engineers are not merely for infrastructure construction but also for the fields of maritime, agriculture and industry. He also added that according to the Law of Engineering, 2014, the professional education engineer is set to meet the needs of Indonesian engineers to be recognised locally and in international levels.


British Council Commentary:

To accelerate the development of infrastructure, Indonesia must have more qualified professional engineers. The interest of Indonesia’s young generation to pursue Engineering programme has been decreasing. Indonesia has a small number of engineers; this is due to the lack of publicity about the engineering profession and its various chances to the young generation. UK institutions might find it useful in knowing Indonesia’s new government policy to focus on engineering study programme to deliver more professional engineers in the country. It is a good opportunity for UK institutions to direct their recruitment efforts in particular to promote the specified study programme for Indonesian students.

With the growing infrastructure in Indonesia, Indonesian universities show more interest in collaborating with overseas institutions in the engineering area, for example for joint/double degree or joint research, in order to strengthen their programme in engineering area. The Ministry of Public Works and Housing also encourage their staff to continue their study focusing in engineering for Master or PhD programmes.