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Growing interests for undergraduate studies in Hong Kong

Senior higher school students receiving their exam results now have much wider choices for their undergraduate studies. In addition to local HEIs, many recruiters from around the world are offering simplified application routes and competitive financial incentives to students from Taiwan.

A recent undergraduate fair saw eight Hong Kong universities and colleges gaining avid attention from local students. With its English teaching programmes, diverse cultural environment, and proximity to opportunities in China, Hong Kong is increasingly perceived by parents an ideal destination for overseas education of their children. In order to compete with other foreign recruiters, many Hong Kong universities provide generous scholarships, some as high as £57K, to attract top students from Taiwan.

Following Taiwanese government’s relaxed regulation of the recognition of Chinese qualifications, number of students studying at prestigious mainland Chinese universities has also been on the increase. It was observed that in general there has been a shift of focus, from western institutions to those in Hong Kong and China, when senior high school students consider their overseas university education. And it is expected that opportunities to study in top institutions within the East Asia region will continue to be of interests of students, reported United Daily.