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Google visits the universities in Pakistan

As an initiative to reach out to talented students, Google has officially announced their first visit to Pakistan. During this 11 days trip, representatives from Google will be visiting nine universities all across the country.

Primarily targeted to students interested in web designing and application development, this visit will not only inspire the young talents but also encourage them to explore new avenues in web technologies.

On 30 August, representatives from Google will start their tour from Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi followed by visits to universities in Lahore, Islamabad, Topi and Gujrat.  A visit to University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore on 9 September, will conclude this tour.

Representatives from Google comprise notable speakers:

  • Waqas Burney, Manager (Web), Strategic Online Partnerships – South Asia,
  • Ahmad Nawaz, Manager (Apps), Strategic Online Partnerships – South Asia,
  • Cymone Ding, Programs Specialist & University Recruiter,
  • Charlotte Park, University Programs Specialist.

With an aim to reach out to the youth of Pakistan, a visit from the tech giant will surely inspire those interested in making a career in web designing and application development. For officials from universities in Pakistan, this visit is an opportunity to explore partnerships with Google to ensure a sustainable and proactive collaboration in the future.

British Council Pakistan strives to support universities, institutions and other education decision makers in their advancement and partnership development strategies to consequently strengthen collaboration within local universities and UK institutions.

For details on partnership development, contact the SIEM Pakistan team for customised consultancy offers.

To establish and increase the brand awareness of your institution in Pakistan, book a SIEM digital campaign here.

To contact the SIEM Pakistan team, please get in touch with Saman Imtiaz, Head SIEM, Pakistan at saman.imtiaz@britishcouncil.org.pk

CC: siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org  


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