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Global Education Programme - FAQs

Following the main article, this is the list of the frequently asked questions concerning the Russian Global Education program

What are the next steps? How long will it take to create the working infrastructure for the program? When will the operator be established?
After the enactment of the resolution of the Russian Government on June 20, 2014, the next task will be to create the working infrastructure for the program: the tender for the operator, the preparation and approval of the internal program documentation, debugging procedures for working with applicants, the creation of documentation procedures, and procedures for transferring funds to program participants, the program opening, and meetings with the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board will approve the provision on the program operator. According to the resolution, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation should create and approve the composition of the program Supervisory Board within 3 months.

When and on what site will registration begin for the electronic queuing system?
An operator will be determined by means of an open tender that will provide organizational, technical, information and analytical support for the program. According to the decree, the operator will set up and maintain the official program website, including the system by which the program participants will register for the electronic queue. Thereafter, we are now just waiting for information about the tender, and then the results.

Can students participate in the program in the upcoming academic year 2014-2015?
Students who are already enrolled on the list of programs approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on June 20, 2014 No. 1094-r, may apply for a grant for the remaining period of study for a maximum of 2 years. Students who will begin their studies later will also be able to participate in the program, such as those in Australian universities, and a number of Research Masters and PhD programs.

Do Russian citizens currently living and working in other countries have the right to participate in the program?
Yes, if they commit themselves to obtaining employment in an organization in Russia in accordance with the qualification gained during the study program.

Can citizens of other CIS republics who live in Russia participate in the program?
The program is open only to citizens of the Russian Federation.

What should student do if the PhD program lasts at least 5 years, and funding for the program lasts only 3 years?
The timeframe of the program is currently 2014-2016. On the basis of the recommendations of the program Supervisory Board, adopted as a result of its analysis, it is possible that the timeframe of the program will be extended.

Will the fact the applicant already has several degrees hinder his/her ability to get a scholarship?

Is there an age limit for program participants?

Does it matter what country has applicant received the bachelor degree in?
It does not for the Global Education program. Upon admission to university to do a Masters, the university deals with the issue of recognition of foreign diplomas.

Are MBAs funded in this program?
No, but students can consider other programs in Economics and Management

Are law degrees such as LLMs funded in the program?

Are the following programs funded: linguistics, international relations, comparative politics, psychology, archaeology, contemporary art?

Is it possible to study on a joint training program at several universities, when one of the universities is on the list?
Providing that the chosen program at that university leads to the receipt of a diploma from that university, and providing that it lasts at least one year, stundent can participate in the program for that year.

Can students study in a branch of a university on a program on the list, but in another country? (For example, Monash University is also in Malaysia, or is it required to go to Australia?)
No, it is intended primarily for studying on the main university campus in the country of its location. (Students can not study at Monash University in Malaysia, but only in Australia).

Does the program apply to distance learning in these universities?
No, the program applies only to full-time training at the university campus.

Can students participate in the program before official enrolment, if they have received an invitation from the University (a conditional offer)?
Yes, students can register for the program, but for further participation they will need to provide proof of enrolment.

Are pre-Master programs funded?

What were the criteria for the selection of universities and programs?
All the universities approved by the resolution were or are in the top 300 in the Academic Ranking of World Universities, QS World University Rankings, and The Times Higher Education World University Rankings at the same time, and the program - in the first 150 positions.

Is it possible for other universities to be added to the list if it goes up in the rankings over the year?
This issue will be discussed at a meeting of the program Supervisory Board, which will be held in August 2014.

Are there any priority countries and subjects, which should be focused on when enrolling?
No, all the programs on the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on June 20, 2014 No. 1094-r have equal weight.

After receiving a Master’s degree, can the student do a PhD with another source of financing and after that work in Russia?
No. Upon finishing their Masters, the program participants must return to Russia within 30 calendar days to obtain employment.

Which programs include the category Economics and Management?
The Ministry has not yet come to a consensus on this issue, and it will be discussed at the first meeting of the Supervisory Board. According to the preliminary discussions, Public Administration, Public Policy, Management in Healthcare and Education programs may be supported, but not General Management, Marketing and Finance.

What subjects are included in Education and Educational Sciences?
Education Administration, Management and Leadership, School and University Management, Education Policy, TESOL, Curriculum Development and Instruction, Pedagogy, Didactics, Teacher Training and Special Education (to gifted persons, those with learning disabilities)

What subjects are included in health sciences and public health (in English)?
Health Care Sciences and Services (including Hospital Administration, Health Care Financing), Health Policy and Services, Nursing, Nutrition, Dietetics, Public Health, Parasitology, Infectious diseases, Epidemiology, Occupational health.

Where can the participants find a list of employers?
The list of employers is currently being formed in accordance with the criteria established by the program, and will be approved at the meeting of the Supervisory Board.

Will the participants be able to choose the region I am employed in?
The program participant chooses the employing organization and location from the entire list of organizations. The program participant may also change employers, but not more than 2 times during the period of his or her participation in the program.

Apart from the tuition fees, what is covered and to what extent?
In addition to tuition fees, travel expenses to and from the student’s place of residence to the university, medical insurance, accommodation, meals, books and academic literature are paid for. The total expenditure for one year of study may not exceed 1381.8 thousand rubles.

Does the program cover the application fee and the cost of the exams: TOEFL/IELTS, GRE, GMAT?

Does the program cover the foundation year?

Is the size of the scholarship fixed depending on the country and the city in which the university is located?
The size of the scholarship will be fixed, and will depend on the minimum cost of living in each country.

Is it possible to receive co-financing from the university abroad?
Yes, students can obtain additional funding and extra-budgetary funds, providing that it does not contradict the program agreements.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Yury Karp at yury.karp@britishcouncil.ru