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Get in touch with Dong Zong and Chinese Independent Schools through the British Council

UK institutions now have a direct channel to disseminate relevant information to Dong Zong (United School Committees Associations of Malaysia) and Chinese Independent Schools.

In the latest meeting, the British Council has initiated a communication channel with Dong Zong and the 62 schools under its care. Any information or marketing materials relevant to UEC qualification holders, please forward to the British Council's Malaysia team members - Tiu (kianwee.tiu@britishcouncil.org.my) and Pooifun (pooifun.cheong@britishcouncil.org.my). UK institutions are encouraged to share the following:

  1. Campaigns designed for UEC students, teachers and Dong Zong
  2. Events benefiting UEC students, teachers and Dong Zong
  3. Scholarships or financial aid information for UEC students

2017 and 2018 UEC Examination papers available for download

To ease your institution's consideration and review processes, the Senior Middle-Level Examination's papers for the following subjects are attached.

  • English 
  • Mandarin
  • Mathematics
  • Advanced Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics (I) and (II)

Submit acknowledgement letter

As outlined in the previous market news, UK institutions are encouraged to submit a letter acknowledging acceptance of students with UEC qualifications to study Degree courses. Dong Zong has agreed to update information about UK education and institutions on its website and other publications. For institutions which have yet to submit the letter, please refer to the previous market news for more information and instructions. 

UEC 2017 Exam Papers.pdf3.65 MB
UEC 2018 Exam Papers.pdf3.67 MB