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Gaokao reform to boost vocational education talent

Having universities accept graduates from both vocational and regular high schools, which will be achieved by an upcoming reform, will bring positive changes to the country's talent pool, Chinese education expert says. Lu Xin, vice-minister of education, said China will combine the current vocational education system with academic higher education and establish different models for each in the National College Entrance Examination, or gaokao. Lu made her remarks at the 2014 China Development Forum in Beijing on Saturday (22 March). She said that the gaokao system will have two tests - one for technically inclined students and one for academic ones. The test for technically inclined students will be for prospective students of vocational training colleges who are aiming for careers such as engineering and mechanics. This exam will test mainly the students' technical skills and their textbook knowledge as a supplement. Lu said that about 600 local universities will be transformed into higher-education vocational colleges, which means that by the time the reform is in place, 70 percemt to 80 percent of the country's higher education institutes will be geared toward vocational training.