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Form 6 to be rebranded to raise image

Form Six education or STPM (A-Level equivalent) will be rebranded to raise its image to that in line with other pre-university education like matriculation colleges and science foundation centres, said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. Muhyiddin, who is also Education Minister, said among others, Sixth formers would be placed in special studies centres apart from other students of normal public schools. Muhyiddin said rebranding was needed to show that Form Six was actually pre-university education that was comparative to the ministry's matriculation colleges and science foundation centres of the local public universities. Muhyiddin said the public should not see matriculation as being better than Form Six as there had been times when Form Six students performed better than matriculation students. Therefore, those who passed the SPM exam should also view Form Six as one of the best choices for pre-university education, he said. Asked whether Form Six would be shortened by six months to make the study duration the same with matriculation, he said the ministry would study it.

British Council commentary:

A recent survey has revealed that the number of students enrolled in Form Six is decreasing over the years. Today the options available for a school leaver range from Matriculation, Form Six, a wide range of university Pre-U to a whole array of diploma courses, technical training and even professional certifications. Mention Form Six or taking the STPM route and the most common reaction from many students now is how its not worth the effort and time put into it compared to the increasingly wider and more attractive Pre-U options that are mushrooming in the marketplace.

Prior to this, there was already a minor adjustment to Form Six education in 2012 in which a new modular system had replaced the old terminal system. Under the modular system, students will sit for three term examinations, instead of a big final exam at the end of the programme. Under the new modular system, STPM will be monitored by a representative from Cambridge Assessment to maintain its standards and quality. This rebranding exercise is necessary due to the fact that the public are in strong opinion that sixth formers should be separated from regular government schools. However, questions remain - will the rebranding of Form Six education help to transform the education system and change the mindset of the students and propel it to be comparable with what is offered in the Pre-U education market today? The key areas that demand due attention are perhaps the feasibility, effectiveness and readiness of the new modular system to meet the public’s expectation.