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First steps on academic collaborations between Foreign Educational Institutions announced

The UGC has set certain guidelines for promotion and maintenance of standards for academic collaborations between Foreign Educational Institutions (FEI) and Indian Educational Institutions (IEI).

The main objective of the guidelines are to assist IEI and FEI to enter into an arrangement through an instrument of written agreement for the purpose of collaborative or partnership/twining arrangements with the purpose of offering degree(s) and postgraduate diploma programme(s) by way of collaboration.

Who will be allowed to apply?

All existing FEI and IEI operating in India offering programmes for Indian students through a collaborative arrangement will be applicable except institutions offering technical programmes. FEI and IEI that have an existing collaborative arrangement shall comply with these regulations within a period of six months from the date of their coming into force.

These guidelines makes it easier for UK institutions to explore formally collaborative programmes with Indian institutions. There is clearly a demand for such joint programmes in the India higher education market with students aspiring for international education in a cost effective yet high quality format.

To know more about eligibility procedure, conditions for making collaborative arrangements, its process and approval process - kindly read the original story here

Do get in touch with Shruti.khanna@in.britishcouncil.org if you would like to explore any such collaborative arrangements in India. We have been working closely with local institutions here in India to understand their requirements and have the market knowledge and expertise to provide a match for a collaborative arrangement to a UK institution.