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Fashion Schools in Hong Kong providing practical skills

Private HEI such as Savannah College of Art and Design (Scad), Hong Kong Raffles School of Continuing Education and the Academy of Design have in recent times been opening in Hong Kong, to provide a more practical higher education than what is offered by public universities.

According to the article the strengths of these private institutions are employment related – practical skills and internships.

The article also mentions the increased interest in creative fields in Hong Kong in recent years, and how developed East Asian economies such as Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore have been keen to develop their creative sector in contrast to the more traditional economies of Mainland China and Vietnam.

Read the full article here.


Implications for UK colleges and universities:

Most UK institutions who have been recruiting students in Hong Kong will be aware of the increased interest in creative subjects in the last few years. Colleges and universities who promote themselves in Hong Kong are recommended to take note of how public and private institutions in Hong Kong are perceived, and leverage the strengths of UK education in terms of both providing quality of education and employment outcomes in terms of tangible skills and resulting career directions. Employer links, internship opportunities and case studies of successful students are strong messages to communicate at student recruitment activities.


For further information on Hong Kong student recruitment prospects contact Steve Corry, Regional Business Development Manager, steven.corry@britishcouncil.org.hk