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Excellent results for Spain in University Teaching Rankings

THE have recently launched a European Ranking on Teaching Excellence. As many as 41 Spanish Universities are ranked in the top 200, outnumbering Germany, France or Italy. Below is the list of Spanish universities in the top 100.

The UK and Spain both excel in the results, with 100 and 41 Universities in the top 200 respectively. Spanish universities outnumber German, French and Italian institutions: a magnificent result for Spanish universities, which do not often make such a strong showing in international rankings. This provides a fantastic list of institutions for UK institutions look to explore partnerships in Spain.

For further investigation into any of the Spanish Universities, use the Spanish Register of Universities (RUCT) or a similar application (QEDU), for students.

22 Autonomous University of Madrid
51-75 University of Alcalá
51-75 Carlos III University of Madrid
51-75 Comillas Pontifical University
76-100 Complutense University of Madrid
151-200 Technical University of Madrid

19 University of Barcelona
20 Autonomous University of Barcelona
42 Pompeu Fabra University
76-100 University of Rovira i Virgili
101-125 University of Lleida
126-150 Jaume I University
101-125 Politechnic University of Cataluña

51-75 University of Seville
101-125 University of Granada
126-150 Pablo de Olavide University
151-200 University of Cádiz
151-200 University of Huelva
151-200 University of Jaén

Valencia area:
76-100 Politechnic University of Valencia
76-100 University of Valencia
101-125 Miguel Hernández University of Elche
101-125 University of Murcia
151-200 University of Alicante

Most are public but some are private, including University of Navarra, the best achiever, with state of the art new campuses in Madrid.
8 University of Navarra
42 Pompeu Fabra University
51-75 Comillas Pontifical University
76-100 University of Rovira i Virgili
101-125 University of Deusto
101-125 Miguel Hernández University of Elche