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Exam-free policy attracts HK students

Hong Kong student Huen Chak-ming never imagined his interest in traditional Chinese medicine could develop into a career until he received an admissions letter from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine last summer.

"If I had stayed in Hong Kong, I probably would have had to change my major because there are few universities offering classes in Chinese medicine, and opportunities for clinical practice are also rare." Huen said on Friday after finishing his first semester at the university.

Thanks to the exam-free policy, adopted by the Ministry of Education in 2012, Huen and 25 other Hong Kong secondary school graduates enrolled at the university in autumn 2013 without taking the Joint Entrance Examination, previously mandatory for students from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao.

The exam-free admissions policy has made universities on the Chinese mainland attractive destinations for Hong Kong students.

Hong Kong students interested in enrolling in college on the mainland can apply directly to as many as 75 universities using their results from the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination.

Writes China Economic Net.


Commentary from Anna Lee, British Council

It is uncertain if the increase in Hong Kong students studying in Mainland China will affect the recruitment numbers to UK institutions - many parents view education in the west as a mark of prestige in this former British colony. Middle-class families who can afford to send their child abroad for education will still choose the UK as the first-choice study destination. Factors that still limit the attractiveness of Mainland China include academic freedom and the fact that mainland universities teach in Chinese, not English. The Mainland China option is probably therefore serving a different segment of the population (those who cannot afford to study in the UK), however it is still worth noting that Mainland China is now the third most popular overseas study destination for HKDSE students.

Should you have any queries about the Hong Kong market, and prospects for student recruitment or institution partnerships please contact Steve Corry, Regional Business Development Manager at (852) 2913 5156 or e-mail to steven.corry@britishcouncil.org.hk