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Enrolment in China's postgraduate entry exam surges over 20 per cent

The number of candidates signing up for China's 2019 postgraduate entry exam has increased by almost 22 per cent compared to the previous year to reach a new high of 2.9 million candidates according to a report published by China Education Online, an informational website affiliated to the Ministry of Education. This exam is an essential requirement for all students who wish to study a postgraduate degree in the country's universities.

This represents the fastest increase in the last 10 years and the third consecutive year of double-digit growth. In contrast the number of entrants fell between 2013 and 2015 despite a slight increase in the number of postgraduate places available. In line with the increase in demand, China's universities have significantly expanded their postgraduate provision in recent years and government plans call for them to continue to do so. 

According to the report, provinces across the country are seeing strong growth in entrants to the postgraduate entry examination. The region with the highest growth is Guangxi, a comparatively less-developed area in southern China which saw an increase in candidates of slightly over 30 per cent, but neighbouring Guangdong province which saw the second-highest increase is one of the wealthiest parts of the country.

Analysis by Kevin Prest, Senior Analyst, British Council International Education Services

The continued growth in demand for postgraduate study among Chinese students represents a significant opportunity for UK universities. The level of competition for postgraduate places in China is often a strong driver for students to consider overseas study, as only around one third of candidates are able to receive a university place. Students who wish to change their major are particularly likely to apply to universities overseas as they feel that it will be harder for them to receive a good score in this exam. 

In order to cope with this increasing demand, the Chinese government is working hard to increase the number of places available at local universities. Over the longer term this may reduce the need for overseas study. In recent years there has been particularly fast growth in professional master's degrees such as MBAs, which now represent more than half of master's degree places at Chinese universities.


People's Daily Online - Postgraduate entry exam candidates increase by 520,000, the largest increase in 10 years (in Chinese): http://edu.people.com.cn/n1/2018/1223/c1006-30482383.html

China Education Online - 2019 postgraduate entry exam candidates by region (in Chinese): http://www.eol.cn/html/ky/bmrs/index.shtml