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Education system producing too few technical graduates

China needs to enhance vocational education in order to end the oversupply of university graduates and the shortage of technicians, said a senior labor official. "The education system should suit the demands of the labor market as the economy develops. More resources should be put toward vocational education," Wu Daohuai, director of the department of vocational skills development under the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, told China Daily. Many graduates prefer to take low-income white-collar jobs rather than high-income blue-collar work. The employment outlook for university graduates is tougher now because 200,000 more graduates are expected to leave school this year. The government will allocate more funding to support the development of vocational schools. According to the Ministry of Education, the country aims to set up a modern vocational education system by 2015. About 22m people received vocational education last year, official figures showed. Some young people have already started to seriously think about which direction their futures lie. Reports Chinadaily.com.cn