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Education sector update from the Government of Pakistan

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has prioritised education with clear purposes to increase the education budget to four per cent of its GDP by 2018.

The prime minister during a panel discussion at Oslo Global Summit on Education for Development on Tuesday said Pakistan has constantly been seeking to broaden its education horizons despite economic instability and natural disasters.Thousands of schools were in ruins when the 2005 earthquake hit, while the 2010 floods destroyed about 9,088 schools when 5,790 school buildings were being used as shelters. Pakistan rebuilt the damage by spending billions of rupees on the reconstruction and rehabilitation of homes for these displaced people.Stressing on the importance of education, he promoted the right of the youth of Pakistan to be provided with learning opportunities and that the government has been facilitating schooling for the deprived.

He encouraged promoting purpose-oriented education to children and equipping the youth with technical and vocational skills for jobs and businesses in addition to developing teachers’ training, curriculum development and educational technologies. He said despite education being the provincial government’s responsibility, the federal government was influential in promoting education in all parts of the country.Pakistan’s educational planning and policy decisions of 2015 involve investment in higher education, teacher education and an expansion of basic education.

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