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Education Law to map pre/post-Bologna qualifications in Spain

Last Friday, the much needed law to map pre and post Bologna Spanish HE qualifications was published (RD 967/2014, 21 november) - http://www.boe.es/buscar/doc.php?id=BOE-A-2014-12098. The following pre-Bologna qualifications are given an UG Degree equivalent: Diplomados, Arquitectos Técnicos, Ingenieros Técnicos. Equally, any non-Spanish 3 year UG degree will now be mapped to an Spanish UG Degree, rather than the 3 year pre-Bologna equivalent (as above). This is excellent news to thousands of students that study UK HE qualifications in Spain and puts an end to the situation where EU graduates were denied access to positions with public administration, in many cases. It is not made clear whether former Licenciados (5 year qualifications) will be considered level 7 (UG+Master) but it is expected that soon some former legislation will follow.