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Education Institutions in Pakistan to remain open

Federal and provincial education ministers have decided to keep the schools, colleges and universities open in the wake of another wave of Covid-19 in the country. This decision was taken in context of recent screening in the education institutions which resulted in positivity rate of “scarcely one to two per cent”.

This was decided in that Inter-Provincial Education Ministers Conference (IPEMC) which took place on 05 November, under chairmanship of federal Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood through video link. In the conference, the delegation discussed prevailing Covid-19 situation in the country and particularly in education sector.

According to the official statement from the spokesperson, National Health Services Director General Dr. Safi Malik gave a detailed view of the pandemic and invited provinces to share their data collected from the institutions, which averaged between one to two percent as positive cases. These findings were further deliberated, and it was unanimously decided against the close of education institutes.

The possibility of surge of positive cases in education was also discussed and according to the statement, “It was agreed that the targeted closure of institutions where the infection rate increases would be carried out with the help of local administration,”. The forum also raised suggestions that winter vacations should either be reduced or cancelled altogether to help students to cope up with the remaining curriculum.

Federal Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood also asked for opinions on moving the academic year from April to August next year. The provinces were requested to come up with a uniform approach to extend the year to cover the loss incurred during the lockdown. For now, this shift in dates of academic year remains subject to this year only.

The provincial education ministries were stressed to keep and ensured the SOPs in place for the schools, colleges and universities. The education institutions in Pakistan were opened in September after a lockdown of six months and due to recent increase in Covid-19 positive cases in the country, the education ministries discussed the issue but decided that education institutions will remain open. [1]