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Economic impact of mobile in Bangladesh

According to BTRC there are 66.97 million active internet users in Bangladesh which is 41.6% of the total population (Oct’16). 80 percent internet users of Bangladesh are on social networking website Facebook according to Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC).

Bangladesh is a land of opportunity for social media marketers because the country has more than 60% adult population and with adoption capacity.

According to GSMA Intelligence, mobile technologies and services generated 6.2 per cent of the country’s GDP in 2015, a contribution that amounted to around US$13 billion of economic value. In the same year, mobile operators and the ecosystem provided employment to more than 760,000 people across Bangladesh.

GSMA Intelligence expects that the economic contribution of the mobile industry in Bangladesh will continue to increase. In value-added terms, it is estimated that the ecosystem will generate US$17 billion by 2020.

With the rollout of 3G mobile network in the country in 2013, people are using more and more data - a trend that points towards an aggressive need for data amongst users.

Bangladesh has maintained an impressive track record on growth and development. In the past decade, the economy has grown at nearly 6 percent per year, and human development went hand-in-hand with economic growth. Poverty dropped by nearly a third, coupled with increased life expectancy, literacy, and per capita food intake. More than 15 million Bangladeshis have moved out of poverty since 1992. In recent years the country reduced population growth and improved health and education.

SIEM Bangladesh recognises these vibrant changes in the Bangladesh market and is delighted to present a range of effective digital services for UK institutions to promote their brand and courses to students in Bangladesh. We use in-house expertise to provide consultation and work on tailor made packages, which will suit the requirements and objectives of UK institutions. We can help by preparing customised offers as per your budget and expected reach. To know more about digital services and packages of SIEM Bangladesh, write to Sarker Asif Iqbal.

Read the full Reports here, 

Bangladesh Internet Users

GSMA reveals economic impact of mobile in Bangladesh


To know how we can support your marketing efforts in Bangladesh, please get in touch with, 

Sarker Asif Iqbal

Project Coordinator- Services for International Education Marketing (SIEM)

Email: asif.iqbal@bd.britishcouncil.org and siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org