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  • The East Asia Updates – a summary of recently announced EA market updates and news – 11 to 24 August 2021

The East Asia Updates – a summary of recently announced EA market updates and news – 11 to 24 August 2021

The East Asia Updates presents a summary of recently announced market news and updates from across the region. It highlights news and headlines from the region, VFS/visa updates from Malaysia, TNE and Ministry of Education news from China, along with our recent Insights and Blogs.

Market news: VFS Visa Application Centre allowed to extend operational capacity and open additional location to cater to student demand at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

It is welcome news for Malaysian applicants to UK institutions that the government has allowed VFS Visa Application Centre to operate at an increased capacity of 50%, as opposed to the previous 30%; and in addition VFS have opened up a new VFS Visa Application Centre at Brickfield Asia College (BAC) at Kuala Lumpur.  This provides much needed increased visa application appointment slots for all students currently making travel arrangements to join overseas institutions. For full details click here.

Market news: Recent reports on TNE programme cancellations in China are misleading (the MoE has not recently cancelled 286 programmes)

The recent articles covered in Chinese and international media that Chinese authorities have cancelled 286 international TNE programmes are misleading. China Ministry of Education has confirmed that they have not closed or suspended this large number of TNE partnerships. For complete details click here.

Market news: China’s Ministry of Education issues policies on the establishment of new higher education institutions

China’s Ministry of Education released a policy document setting out rules and priorities about setting up new higher education institutions, addressing number, education level type and location for institutions. To read details of the policy and impact on independent colleges, number of degrees, regions and more click here.

Insights blog: Online innovation to support capacity building and student mobility

The British Council Outwards Mobility Internationalisation (OMI) Partnership Fund awarded a grant to University of Northampton in 2019 to design and deliver mobility programmes in China while supporting Chinese partner universities to develop internationalisation strategies. To explore the design, impact and key takeaways from the project read here.