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The East Asia Round-up - a summary of recently announced opportunities and market news from across the region

The East Asia Round-up is an opportunity to collate and share the most recently announced opportunities and market news from across East Asia for you.  There are opportunities to register for and attend the East Asia Education Futures Webinars series and a chance to submit proposals for the Hong Kong SPARK festival. The market news includes updates about the Indonesia LPDP Scholarships, Vietnam's TNE market and updates on the MCO in Malaysia.


Opportunity: Webinar Series – Education Futures: Recruitment Reconnaissance – what next for East Asia?

The second Education Futures webinar series presents short webinars with key decision makers, student influencers, counsellors, agents, parents and students directly, from the key markets of China, Malaysia and Singapore. To view details and register to attend click here.

Opportunity: British Council SPARK festival: call for proposals closes on 4 June 2021

Individuals and organisations in UK and Hong Kong are invited to submit proposals for the online SPARK 2021 festival. Each proposal should be a partnership between UK and Hong Kong organisations or individuals and explore connections across cultures and celebrate inclusion. For complete details on the event and registration click here.

Market news: Malaysia announces nation-wide Movement Control Order (MCO) to contain increasing cases of Covid-19

The Malaysian government announced that all Malaysia will be placed under MCO from 12 May till 7 June 2021. The nation-wide MCO restricts movements across district/state borders, places a ban on social, religious and other gatherings. Education institutions will be closed except for students sitting for international exams. For complete details click here.

Market news: Indonesia announce LPDP Scholarships open for 2021

The Indonesian government has opened registrations for the 2021 Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP) scholarships for 2021. The much-awaited scholarships will fund postgraduate scholars for international masters and doctoral degrees. For complete details click here.

Market news: A spotlight on Vietnam’s TNE and outbound study market

Vietnam was highlighted at The PIE News Live TNE & Tech Virtual Conference held in March 2021. The event highlighted the use of Tech in learning, student recruitment and transnational education policy and practice. Vietnam, as a featured country, presents interesting opportunities based on trends and recent insights. To read complete details click here.