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  • Dubai has 16 ‘outstanding' schools

Dubai has 16 ‘outstanding' schools

The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) of Dubai published the list of 16 outstanding schools in Duba (out of 159), the highest ratio since inspections began in the 2008-2009 cycle. There are 169,021 students attending good or better schools. This is 134,736 more students than in 2008.The development also marks a three per cent increase in the ratio since last school year’s inspection results.

Complete article can be found here : http://gulfnews.com/news/uae/education/dubai-has-16-outstanding-schools-...

Analysis by Dina Kanan:

UK universities are more likely to receive higher number of qualified students from Dubai.
More Emirati students are attending good or better schools
The UAE National Agenda - achieving the aspirations of the UAE Vision 2021
Students are making steady progress in the core subjects
Leadership in Dubai private schools continues to improve