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Dip in student numbers for Private Higher Education Institutions

An increase in public sector provision means that private HEI are seeing a dip in local student numbers. 

Private HEI in Singapore are reporting a drop in enrolment by local students, thought to be a result of increasing public sector provision. Declines of 20-30% have been reported, which has coincided with the increase in university places, namely at Singapore Institute of Technology. The Singapore government has pledged to further increase university places before 2020.

Read the full article here.


British Council commentary:

A fall in the number of local students may impact UK TNE providers over the coming years. A renewed focus on inward mobility may be required to offset this decline in demand, and TNE providers are therefore encouraged to monitor demand for studying in Singapore from relevant markets.


Institutions who are interested in understanding student demand and other factors relating to TNE programmes in Singapore should contact Richard Jenner at Richard.jenner@britishcouncil.org.sg.