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Digital Bangladesh: an ICT revolution!

The Bangladeshi government’s Digital Bangladesh initiative not only looks to transform the country into a modern, knowledge-based society by 2021,
but also establish the South Asian nation as the world’s next ICT (information and communications technology) destination.

Inspired by its close South Asian neighbour, Bangladesh is now hoping to emulate India’s ICT success. Digital Bangladesh, the crux of the government’s Vision 2021 plan,
is an initiative that looks to thrust the country – one of the world’s poorest – into a modern, knowledge-based society on the back of a truly world-class technology industry.
While the ICT sector in Bangladesh currently remains relatively small, the industry has enjoyed a high growth rate of 40%, and this is a trend that is expected to continue.
Under Digital Bangladesh, the government now wants to attract the same kind of investment (having set an ICT investment target of $1 billion over the next five years) in
not only rolling out broadband to every corner of the country, but also in developing Bangladesh’s high-tech industries such as software development, ICT services and
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO).
With Bangladesh now establishing itself as a BPO hub, which the country hopes can soon rival neighbouring India’s hugely successful BPO sector, the next aim will be

to truly unleash the country’s entrepreneurial spirit, enabling innovation to an extent where Bangladeshi start-ups will grow to one day have the capacity to become global players.

To have an access to the complete news, please click below.

ICT opens up new prospects for Bangladesh

You may also be interested in the Ministerial conference theme paper of Digital Transformation.

To know how we can support your marketing efforts in Bangladesh, please get in touch with 

Sarker Asif Iqbal

Project Coordinator- Services for International Education Marketing (SIEM)

Email: asif.iqbal@bd.britishcouncil.org and siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org