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Deregulation of Joint programs in Korea

A Korean student in a joint degree program with overseas institution now can be awarded the local degree only with one year study in Korean University.

The Ministry of Education Korea announces that the requirement is now being mitigated from taking a minimum of 50% of courses in Korea to the half of it in order to recognize the degree from local institution. Many local institutions that are running joint programs are welcoming this change of policy, especially those who have been experiencing difficulties to recruit students for the programs after they signed up partnerships.
The changing policy also lowers the barriers for students who are currently at work by lowering the required number of classes students should take to graduate.
These changes are in line with recent efforts from the government to nurture the internationalisation of Higher Educations in Korea.

Commentary by WooKun Hur, Head of Education Services

In Korea, the double or dual degree still takes the majority portion of all institutional partnerhsips with UK even with the concern of quality control from both sides.
There also have been challenges mainly about limited learning opportunity in English as well as unmet demands from students who wish to get the local degree, for there are some industries that give better recognition with it.
In addition, more local institutions will start to seek partnerships as they are under the pressure of reshaping their offerings and structures by both government as well as market in general.