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Decline in Covid-19 positive cases in Pakistan sees gradual reopening of educational institutes

The past few weeks have seen sharp decline in Covid-19 positive active cases in Pakistan. This steep decline has allowed the government to implement the gradual reopening of sectors on a step by step basis. The National Coordination Committee (NCC) decided to lift lockdown restrictions on tourism, transportation, and restaurants in the next few days. They also released a timetable mentioning dates in near future for opening of some other industries across the country.

A meeting of NCC was presided over by the Prime Minister, Imran Khan and contained representation from all provinces. A unanimous decision to start lifting the lockdown was agreed in the meeting. Minister for Planning and Development, Asad Umer briefed the media after the meeting and said, “Restaurants and cafes, outdoor and indoor, will be allowed to open from 10th August and standard operating procedures (SOPs) will be finalised in next two to three days. Moreover, public parks, theatres, cinemas, amusement parks, arcades, expo centres and beauty parlours will also be allowed to open from Monday,”.

On a question of opening of educational institutes, Asad Umer replied, “It has been decided that educational institutions will open from Sept 15, but a final review will be carried out on Sept 7 as the Federal Education Minister will consult with Provincial Education Ministers on the matter.” He also mentioned that Health and Education ministries have been directed to learn how other countries have dealt with the issue of reopening of education institutes. Government has earlier earmarked mid-September as tentative date for opening of education institutes. [1]

The provincial response in this step has already been visible. The government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has opened schools from this week for faculty and administration staff. They are asked to prepare the opening of schools for students from mid-September in line with the implementation of SOPs approved by Health authorities. The schools have been instructed not to allow more than 10 employees within the campus at a time. [2]

Meanwhile, the government of Punjab reiterated its decision to reopen the schools not before 15 September as informed earlier. This was mentioned in a tweet by Education Minister Dr. Murad Raas. This tweet came in response to the contradictory rumours of reopening of schools from 15 August. [3]