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Creative Economy Agency to receive funding of more than IDR 1 trillion

After the inauguration as the Head of Creative Economy Agency (BEK) , Triawan Munaf said that he will immediately begin the task of reorganizing the broad creative economy sector.
More than IDR 1 trillion will be used to finalise the organisational structure, and to initiate a number of programmes that will be rolled out. BEK will supervise 16 sub-sectors in creative sectors such as film, culinary, fashion, handicrafts, photography, gaming, architecture, visual communication, animation, art, radio and others. Six deputies will be responsible for the field of research, education, and development; capital access; infrastructure; marketing, intellectual property rights facilities, as well as relationships and areas development.
The organisational structure of the Creative Economy Agency is expected to be completed within 3 months. The agency will report directly to the President. Triawan hopes that the previous staff at Directorate General of Creative Economy, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy can be part of the new agency.

British Council Commentary:

The Creative Economy Agency is formed by the new Jokowi-JK government to accelerate the growth of the Creative industry in Indonesia.
The government hopes that by investing in the Creative Economy sectors, it will contribute to the country’s foreign exchange revenue.
The Creative Economy Agency will open more opportunities for partnerships and needs for education in the creative sector. Arts and Cultural exchange programmes may also be areas to explore.
Currently Arts & Design is one of the top 3 most popular subjects for undergraduate students, also the overall number of postgraduate students studying Arts & Design keeps on increasing


1. http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/read/2015/01/26/175303326/Badan.Ekonomi...
2. Republika, January 26, 2015, “Baru Dibentuk, Badan Ekonomi Kreatif Diberi Anggaran Rp 1 Triliun”
3. CNNIndonesia.com, January 26, 2015, “Dapat Jatah Rp 1 Triliun, BEK Wajib Sumbang 7 Persen PDB”
4. Tempo.co, January 26, 2015, “Lembaga Ayah Sherina Punya Anggaran Rp 1 Triliun”