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Covid-19 update – MENA – 8 March

Hope you are keeping safe. Kindly see below the latest edition of country updates across the MENA on latest news regarding education in the region.

Visas and Immigration

UK visa services have now resumed across all visa application centres in the Gulf. Appointments are currently limited, the Priority Visa service is only available in all Gulf states, and the Super Priority Visa Services is not yet available in any location. Services and appointment availability are being kept under regular review. Our current service standard for all visit and student visas is 15 working days. UKVI is now (temporarily) issuing students with a 90-day vignette to travel and collect their BRP in the UK, instead of the usual 30-day vignette. More information can be found here: https://www.vfsglobal.co.uk/en

Advice on entering the UK and self-isolation requirements:


National Restrictions from 5 January

Going to school or college:

Colleges, primary (reception onwards) and secondary schools remain open for vulnerable children and the children of critical workers. All other children are learning remotely until February half term. The Government continue to prioritise the wellbeing and long-term futures of our young people as they study online.

In the circumstances, it is not possible for exams in the summer to go ahead as planned. The Department for Education are accordingly be working with Ofqual to consult rapidly to put in place alternative arrangements that will allow students to progress fairly.

Going to university:

Students undertaking training or study for the following courses have returned to face to face learning:

Medicine, dentistry, subjects allied to medicine/ health, veterinary science, education (initial teacher training), social work and courses which require Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) assessments and or mandatory activity which is scheduled for January and which cannot be rescheduled.

Students who are not on these courses have started their term online, as facilitated by their university or college until at least mid-February. If  students live at university, they should not move back and forward between their permanent home and student home during term time.

Guidance can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/national-lockdown-stay-at-home#universities

Travel advice

For travel advice, please visit https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice. We encourage institutions who are considering travelling to sign up for alerts. We are also keeping up to date with local government websites for any updates and restrictions, so kindly feel free to contact us if you need any information and we will refer you to the relevant websites.



In accordance with local health authority and government guidance, we have resumed IELTS testing across the UAE. The health and safety of test takers and test staff is our number one priority and we have taken the time to put in place all precautionary measures to ensure our customers can test confidently at our test venues. For more information on measures taken, please visit: https://www.britishcouncil.ae/en/resume-your-ielts-journey-today

For information on test availability please visit: https://www.britishcouncil.ae/en/exam/ielts/dates-locations


For more MENA updates, webinars, market insights and other IES services, please go to your alerts settings and select updates from MENA. If you have any feedback or require any additional information, please contact me on dina.kanan@ae.britishcouncil.org

Thank you and stay safe

Dina Kanan

UAE Manager, International Education Services



A plea from 700 people to cancel IB examinations in Bahrain, due to students not feeling prepared under the circumstances with online learning and the disruptions of the schools lock down.

On the national health measures front, the government continues to expand the vaccine provision, and has now authorized the fifth vaccine to be provided in Bahrain.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education has further extended the schools closure and mandatory online learning until Mid-March, to be reviewed at the end of the extension period. This is in light of the surge in COVID-19 cases in February.

Contact Information

For more information about Egypt, please contact Kawthar AlArab, Projects Manager Sahar (Kawthar.AlArab@britishcouncil.org.bh)



The Ministries of Education and Higher Education resolve the debate over the completion of the academic year


Contact Information

For more information about Egypt, please contact Sahar Khamis, Head of Education Programmes, Egypt (Sahar.khamis@britishcouncil.org.eg)


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Opportunity to participate in the UK-KSA Higher Education Leaders Roundtable

In partnership with the Ministry of Education, the British Council in Saudi Arabia is organising the ‘’UK-KSA Higher Education Leaders Roundtable’’ on 29th March 2021, 0900 - 1230. The virtual Roundtable will bring together senior officials from the higher education sector in both countries to discuss opportunities and challenges of collaboration in research, innovation and TNE, aiming to create links and foster further institutional cooperation. The Roundtable presents an excellent opportunity to better understand the Saudi research & innovation priorities, the scale of opportunities and establish contacts with leaders in the Saudi education sector.   

Roundtable sessions:

The Roundtable will include 2 sessions:  

  • Research & Innovation:  Policy & Priorities for International Collaboration
  • Internationalisation of Education - Opportunities & Challenges

How to take part:

We are inviting senior representatives from UK institutions to participate as attendees or speakers in the Roundtable. Should your institution be interested, please complete the following Registration Form before 13th March 2021. Program outline and further details are attached.


Finalists for the Study UK Alumni Awards 2021 in Saudi Arabia announced

The British Embassy Riyadh and British Council Saudi Arabia are pleased to announce the 9 finalists for the Study UK Alumni Awards 2021 in Saudi Arabia. The finalists were selected from around 1,300 applicants for their outstanding achievements as business professionals, entrepreneurs and community leaders, and for their contributions to strengthening collaborative ties between the UK and Saudi Arabia. The three award winners will be announced at a ceremony hosted by the British Ambassador later in the year.

The finalists of the Professional Achievement Award, which recognises Alumni who have distinguished themselves through exemplary leadership in their professional field, are:

  • Dr Taghred Alghaith – graduate of Lancaster University, Co-Founder and Board member of Rofaida Women Health Society
  • Dr Roua Alsubki – graduate of University College London, Vice dean of Deanship of Skills Development, King Saud University
  • Dr Mohammed Alshammari – graduate of University College London & University of Strathclyde, Vice Dean – College of Pharmacy, Qassim University

The finalists of the Social Impact Award, which acknowledges Alumni who have made an exceptional contribution to creating positive social change, are:

  • Mr Mashni Alsaeed – graduate of University of Glasgow, Chairman of the Saudi Respiratory care, Western Region.
  • Mr Abdulmohsen Aldayel – graduate of University of Brighton, Director of Communication and Director of Health Volunteering Media Centre of Ministry of Health.
  • Dr Bandar AlOsaimi – graduate of University of Manchester & University of Salford, Assistant Professor of Virology, King Fahad Medical City.

The finalists of the Entrepreneurial Award, which highlights Alumni who have played a leading role in innovation, are:

  • Dr Wail Mousa – graduate of University of Leeds, Founding Dean, Entrepreneurship institute at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
  • Mrs Arwa Alammari – graduate of London School of Economics and Political Science, University of Leicester and University of Sheffield, Creative Director of ArAm.
  • Mr Hattan Ahmed – graduate of University of Leeds, Head of KAUST Entrepreneurship Centre.

To read more about this year’s inspirational finalists, please click https://www.britishcouncil.sa/en/study-uk/alumni-awards-2021/finalists

Contact Information

For more information about KSA, please contact Rizwan Safdar, Project Manager, (Rizwan.Safdar@sa.britishcouncil.org)



On February 11th Education Minister Ali Al-Mudhaf issued a ministerial resolution stipulating the continuation of studies online for all educational levels for the 2020-2021 academic year’s second semester. The ministry said in a press statement that the decision would be revised according to health conditions in the country, adding the ministry coordinates with the health ministry via a joint committee. The decision is applicable to public schools, religious, educational institutes, teaching centres for the elderly and private schools.

Nearly half a million students will resume their studies online from March 1st with the start of the second semester of the 2020/2021 school year.

HH the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah issued a decree forming the new government under HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. The decree of the government line-up is as follows: 

  • Mohammad Abdullatif Al-Fares as Minister of Oil and Minister of Higher Education; 
  • Ali Fahad Al-Mudhaf as Minister of Education;
  • The new government have divided the MOHE and MOE for the first time, adding the MOHE post to the Minster of Oil portfolio.

Contact Information

For more information, please contact Heba Elzein, Head of Partnerships and Programmes (Heba.Elzein@kw.britishcouncil.org)



KHDA announces change to school starting age in Dubai


93% Dubai schools follow Covid safety rules: KHDA


Mohamed Bin Zayed University for Humanities becomes an accredited IELTS exam centre in partnership with the British Council


Contact Information

For more information, please contact Dina Kanan, UAE Manager, International Education Services (dina.kanan@ae.britishcouncil.org)