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Covid-19 update – MENA – 22 March

Hope you are keeping safe. Kindly see below the latest edition of country updates across the MENA on latest news regarding education in the region.

Visas and Immigration 

UK visa services have now resumed across all visa application centres in the Gulf. Appointments are currently limited, the Priority Visa service is only available in all Gulf states, and the Super Priority Visa Services is not yet available in any location. Services and appointment availability are being kept under regular review. Our current service standard for all visit and student visas is 15 working days. UKVI is now (temporarily) issuing students with a 90-day vignette to travel and collect their BRP in the UK, instead of the usual 30-day vignette.

More information can be found here: https://www.vfsglobal.co.uk/en

Advice on entering the UK and self-isolation requirements:


National Restrictions from 5 January

Going to school or college:

Colleges, primary (reception onwards) and secondary schools remain open for vulnerable children and the children of critical workers. All other children are learning remotely until February half term. The Government continue to prioritise the wellbeing and long-term futures of our young people as they study online.

In the circumstances, it is not possible for exams in the summer to go ahead as planned. The Department for Education are accordingly be working with Ofqual to consult rapidly to put in place alternative arrangements that will allow students to progress fairly.

Going to university:

Students undertaking training or study for the following courses have returned to face to face learning:

Medicine, dentistry, subjects allied to medicine/ health, veterinary science, education (initial teacher training), social work and courses which require Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) assessments and or mandatory activity which is scheduled for January and which cannot be rescheduled.

Students who are not on these courses have started their term online, as facilitated by their university or college until at least mid-February. If  students live at university, they should not move back and forward between their permanent home and student home during term time.

Guidance can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/national-lockdown-stay-at-home#universities

Travel advice

For travel advice, please visit https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice. We encourage institutions who are considering travelling to sign up for alerts. We are also keeping up to date with local government websites for any updates and restrictions, so kindly feel free to contact us if you need any information and we will refer you to the relevant websites.


In accordance with local health authority and government guidance, we have resumed IELTS testing across the UAE. The health and safety of test takers and test staff is our number one priority and we have taken the time to put in place all precautionary measures to ensure our customers can test confidently at our test venues. For more information on measures taken, please visit: https://www.britishcouncil.ae/en/resume-your-ielts-journey-today . For information on test availability please visit: https://www.britishcouncil.ae/en/exam/ielts/dates-locations


For more MENA updates, webinars, market insights and other IES services, please go to your alerts settings and select updates from MENA. If you have any feedback or require any additional information, please contact me on dina.kanan@ae.britishcouncil.org

Thank you and stay safe

Dina Kanan

UAE Manager, International Education Services



This week the government relaxed additional COVID measures, including allowing students, who opted for face-to-face learning, back to schools.

“The changes will also allow students to take in-person classes at private and public schools, institutions for higher educations, public and private universities, kindergartens licensed by the Ministry of Education, rehabilitation centres affiliated with the Ministry of Labour and Social Development, nurseries, private training centres and institutes licensed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Development.

However, the authorities said in-person learning is optional, and they are leaving this decision for parents and students to make. Students can choose to receive remote education instead of in-person classes.”


Contact Information

For more information about Egypt, please contact Kawthar AlArab, Projects Manager Sahar (Kawthar.AlArab@britishcouncil.org.bh)



Egypt aims to build a public university in each governorate


Contact Information

For more information about Egypt, please contact Sahar Khamis, Head of Education Programmes, Egypt (Sahar.khamis@britishcouncil.org.eg)


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Reopening admission to e-learning and distance education programs in 5 universities, starting from the second semester of the academic year 1442 AH 06/26/1442.

The Royal Majesty's approval was issued to reopen admission to e-learning and distance education programs at King Abdulaziz University, King Saud University, King Faisal University, Princess Noura bint Abdulrahman University, and Qassim University, starting from the second semester of the academic year 1442 AH; Based on the conclusions reached by the Executive Committee of the Human Capacity Development Program headed by His Excellency the Minister of Education and the membership of a number of Excellencies, ministers and officials, to approve the unified executive plan to reopen e-learning and distance education programs; Based on the recommendations that were submitted to the honorable palace in this regard.

His Excellency the Minister of Education, Dr. Hamad bin Muhammad Al Al Sheikh, issued a decision to implement the provisions of the generous directive to reopen admission to e-learning and distance education programs. According to the kind approval of the recommendations of the Executive Committee of the Human Capacity Development Program, stressing that this decision comes as an extension of the continuous support and constant care of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and His Highness the Crown Prince - may God preserve them - for the education sector in all its tracks, and caring for the sons and daughters of this honorable nation.

The Minister of Education's decision included restricting the concerned universities to admission for this year to the three implementation phases mentioned in the executive plan to adhere to ensuring that students ’admission to e-learning and distance education programs does not exceed (100%) of the number of students admitted to attendance programs for the same specialization, and that acceptance for this is General in diploma programs only for the following majors: (Sales - Marketing - Banking - Insurance - General Administration) until the current stage is evaluated and the impact measured.

The decision to reopen admission to e-learning and distance education programs comes within an organized framework and high governance. In coordination and integration with the relevant authorities, to meet the needs of the labor market for national cadres.


The Deputy Minister of Education for Universities sponsors a workshop that brings together leaders of research, innovation and development in the Kingdom and the United Kingdom.

The Ministry of Education organized a workshop entitled "Leadership in the Research and Innovation System", Monday, remotely, in the presence of His Excellency the Deputy Minister of Education for Universities, Research and Innovation, Dr. Muhammad bin Ahmed Al-Sudairy, the British Ambassador to the Kingdom, Neil Crompton, and the Special Envoy of the British Prime Minister in the Kingdom for Education and Trade, University presidents and leaders of research and innovation in Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom.

His Excellency the Deputy Minister of Education for Universities, Research and Innovation in his speech during the opening of the workshop activities valued the support of the Kingdom's Vision 2030 in the areas of research, development and innovation, whether by its strategic objectives or its implementation programs, indicating that the Ministry of Education is working to develop the research and innovation system in universities and the research and academic community in the Kingdom, with follow-up and interest Continuing from His Excellency the Minister of Education for this vital file, which reflects the wise leadership's interest in scientific research, development and innovation. His Excellency explained the vigorous and intense efforts made by the Ministry of Education to increase interest in investing in research, innovation and development by spreading the culture of creativity and innovation in the educational and academic sector, and to make the goal of enabling creativity and innovation a common factor within the ministry's future plans in order to reach the knowledge society.

The scientific event in which the participation of a group of sponsors and partners includes, including; The Saudi Space Authority, King Abdulaziz City for Science, private universities and Huawei, a number of discussion sessions within two workshops; Where the first workshop was held today entitled: "Framework and System for Research and Innovation in the United Kingdom", and included a speech by His Excellency the British Ambassador to the Kingdom, and a speech by His Excellency the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education for Research and Innovation, Dr. Nasser bin Muhammad Al-Aqili, in which a number of experts and leaders of research and innovation in the Kingdom spoke The second workshop is scheduled to be held Monday, March 8th, under the title: "Best practices in enhancing the impact of scientific research."

The workshop held by the Research and Innovation Agency at the Ministry of Education sheds light on the pioneering British experience in research, innovation and development, with a review of the components and best practices of this system. With the aim of a deeper understanding of the UK's experience in this field, as well as studying the extent of this reflection through its application to enhance the impact of the knowledge economy, improve the impact of research investments, and provide broader benefits to the economy, health and society, as well as developing projects and research cooperation between the Kingdom and the United Kingdom.


Contact Information

For more information about KSA, please contact Rizwan Safdar, Project Manager, (Rizwan.Safdar@sa.britishcouncil.org)



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Contact Information

For more information, please contact Dina Kanan, UAE Manager, International Education Services (dina.kanan@ae.britishcouncil.org)