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  • The Council of Graduate Schools releases 2012 International Graduate Admissions Survey results

The Council of Graduate Schools releases 2012 International Graduate Admissions Survey results

The Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) has just released two survey reports on application and admissions trends for prospective international students to U.S. Graduate schools. The data shows that, overall, applications and admissions have both grown by 9 per cent since 2011. The figures that create this average, however, reveal that the number of applications and admissions for specific countries and regions continues to vary significantly.

China has shown some of the most substantial growth in both applications (18 per cent) and admissions (20 per cent), while other typically large senders such as India and South Korea have remained relatively flat in their growth rates. Brazil and the Middle East have seen significant changes in admissions since last year, suggesting a possible change in the future international student demographic in the U.S.     

Furthermore, applications were categorised into field of study, institutional characteristics, and U.S. regions. Admissions data was categorised into fields, institution size, and U.S. regions.

You can review the reports for 2012 or past years on the CGS website by clicking here.