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Could Bangladesh be the next study destination?

In Bangladesh, the number of students who are choosing an overseas education is increasing. It has been seen in recent times, many countries that were traditionally a source of international students are becoming host countries for international students.

There are of international students reportedly studying in Bangladesh, representing an inbound mobility ratio of 0.1 per cent.

Most of these students come from countries within the region, as qualifications offered in Bangladeshi HEIs are comparatively high-quality programmes, these programmes are recognised and have high value in their home countries.

Courses are offered and facilitated in English in majority of the universities. In international universities such as Asian University for Women, students from Afghanistan, Bhutan, Cambodia, Canada, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam are studying along with Bangladeshi students. In another international university, Islamic University of Technology, students from Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member countries are studying.

Through Cross Border Higher Education (CBHE) policy, it is possible for UK institutions to collaborate with public and private sector. With the CBHE policy now in place, UK organisations can explore the other areas for both higher and vocational education in Bangladesh beside opening branch campus or study centre. Along with higher education there is a great demand for vocational training and professional qualifications in Bangladesh because of the huge demand and supply gap. UK institutions can add value and work in various areas of both the sectors discussed above.


To know how we can support your events and activities in Bangladesh, please get in touch with, 

Sarker Asif Iqbal, Project Coordinator- Services for International Education Marketing (SIEM), 

Email: Asif.Iqbal@bd.britishcouncil.org and siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org