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  • The Commission on Higher Education lays out new GE subjects for colleges, universities with K+12 program

The Commission on Higher Education lays out new GE subjects for colleges, universities with K+12 program

The Philippine Commission on Higher Education has approved the new general education subjects that will be required of college students who finish the extended 12-year basic education curriculum in 2018.

The eight GE subjects are Understanding the Self, Contemporary World, Purposive Communication, Art Appreciation, Ethics, Readings in Philippine History, Mathematics in the Modern World, Science and Technology (ST) and Society. The students will also be allowed to choose three elective subjects.

The new K-12 curriculum and the reduced general education subjects will affect the length of course delivery. Currently, an college degree can be finished in 4 or 5 years. The first two years of which is composed mostly of general education subjects. Reports Inquirer News.