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Chinese universities launch alliance for the development of programmes in foreign languages and literature


Earlier in March 2018, a group of 153 Chinese universities specialising in foreign languages and literature launched the China University Alliance for the Development of Foreign Language and Literature Discipline (CUAFLL). The alliance aims to bolster the quality of foreign language education and play a key role in producing multilingual professionals.

Senior staff at participating universities discussed the advantages of the alliance, which will pay particular attention towards expanding the range of languages taught at Chinese universities, with particular reference to those spoken in countries that are part of the Belt and Road Initiative. Another aim will be to improve the employability of students who studied foreign languages at university.

Analysis by Kevin Prest, Senior Analyst, SIEM East Asia

This alliance may be a useful point of contact for UK institutions wishing to cooperate with Chinese universities in the field of languages and literature, and especially in studies of language education.

More broadly, the importance placed on Belt and Road countries shows China's increasing focus on these countries in its internationalisation efforts, and in the education field shows that China is increasingly looking to cooperate with these countries.


China Daily: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201803/19/WS5aaf45e3a3106e7dcc1427b1.html