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Chinese statistics show rapid increase in postgraduate student numbers and strong growth in research funding


Figures from China's latest Statistical Communique, issued on the 28th of February, show that the country is investing heavily in expanding its postgraduate information system. Chinese universities recruited 805,000 new postgraduate students in 2017, up 20.7 per cent over the figure in 2016. This is much faster than the single-digit growth rates seen in previous years.

At the same time, China's investment in research has also continued to grow, with investment in basic research growing 16 per cent to RMB 92 billion (around £10.6 Bn) while total R&D expenditure in the country reached RMB 1.75 trillion (around £200 Bn). This shows the country's aim to become a top research-producing nation, and its willingness to spend heavily to accomplish this.

Meanwhile, the rate of growth in new undergraduate students was comparatively slower, with new student numbers increasing 1.7 per cent to 7.6 million (including both bachelor's degree and higher vocational students). This reflects a recent trend of relatively slow undergraduate growth as Chinese universities focus more on quality improvement than expansion at this level.

At the basic education level the number of high school students declined slightly due to China’s declining youth population, despite a small increase in the proportion of students staying in school beyond the country’s 9-year compulsory education period.

Analysis by Kevin Prest

China's rapid expansion in postgraduate student numbers may have an impact on UK universities, as the limited number of domestic master's degree places is one of the main drivers of Chinese overseas study at this level. The Chinese government is aiming to address shortfalls both in terms of quantity and quality, which could have a negative effect on demand for international education. However, improvements in domestic Chinese universities and increased research funding will help to make Chinese institutions more attractive for potential research partnerships.


Statistical Communiqué of the People's Republic of China on the 2017 National Economic and Social Development: http://www.stats.gov.cn/english/PressRelease/201802/t20180228_1585666.html