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Chinese Ministry of Education issues warning to students about studying in Australia


The Chinese Ministry of Education has issued its first alert regarding overseas study in 2020. The alert warns Chinese students who are planning to study in Australia, or who have already begun their studies in Australia, to undertake the necessary risk assessments and exercise caution if they continue with their decision to study on-campus. The alert lists several risks, including the global spread of Covid-19, which has not yet been effectively controlled, as well as recent reports of discriminatory incidents against Asians in Australia.

This follows a warning from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism several days ago encouraging Chinese people not to travel to Australia. 


Ministry of Education announcement (in Chinese) – http://www.moe.gov.cn/jyb_xwfb/gzdt_gzdt/s5987/202006/t20200609_464131.html

China Daily: Education ministry warns against study in Australia after early re-opening – https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202006/09/WS5edf3d68a310834817251e0c.html

Sydney Morning Herald: China warns students about travelling to Australia – https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/china-warns-students-about-travelling-to-australia-20200609-p550yl.html

People.cn: China's warning against travel to Australia - http://en.people.cn/n3/2020/0609/c90000-9698861.html