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Chinese Ministry of Education issues guidance on Chinese institutions' overseas branch campuses


The China Association of Higher Education, an agency under the Ministry of Education, has issued a new guide for Chinese higher education institutions' overseas branch campus activities. The guide covers both regulatory and practical aspects of these projects, covering areas such as development planning and models, organisation and management structures, curriculum content, student evaluation and risk prevention.

According to incomplete statistics, at least 84 Chinese HEIs offer a total of at least 128 programmes overseas. This number has expanded rapidly since laws were changed in 2015 to remove the requirement for the MoE to approve each such project. The guide is aimed to support the "healthy and orderly development" of Chinese universities' overseas branch campuses, to reduce risks and to strengthen quality assurance.

Analysis by Kevin Prest, Senior Analyst, British Council International Education Services

As well as being a major host country for transnational education, Chinese universities are increasingly providing their own programmes abroad, mirroring the country's rise as a destination country for international student mobility. The new guide shows that these programmes are supported by China's education authorities and are likely to continue to expand.


EOL: Guide to Higher Education Institutions' Overseas Branch Campuses published - https://news.eol.cn/yaowen/201909/t20190926_1684901.shtml (in Chinese)