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Chinese Ministry of Education holds major internal meeting on education internationalisation


China’s Ministry of Education has held a major internal meeting on education internationalisation policy from December 12-13 2019. According to news reports quoting deputy education minister Tian Xuejun, the meeting focused on setting the direction, drawing up plans and clarifying requirements for education internationalisation, as well as demonstrating the importance of internationalisation to China's education sector.

The meeting brought together numerous high-level officials, including the Minister; staff of the Ministry of Education and all provincial education departments responsible for internationalisation; the heads of internationalisation from all 75 ministerial-level universities; diplomats from Chinese embassies abroad who are responsible for education; and various relevant sector agencies such as the China Education Association for International Exchange and the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center.

Analysis by Kevin Prest, Senior Analyst, British Council International Education Services

While specific details of plans discussed in the meeting have not yet been announced, the scale of this meeting shows the importance China places on education internationalisation. The country’s priorities in this area include both increasing cooperation with overseas institutions and making China a more attractive destination for international students.


Ministry of Education: National education internationalisation work meeting held, to accelerate and broaden education internationalisation in the new era (in Chinese) – http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2019-12/15/content_5461294.htm