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Chinese government restructuring increases the role of Ministry of Science and Technology


One of the changes announced at China’s National People’s Congress in early March has been a restructuring of many of the government’s departments, cutting the number of ministerial-level bodies by eight. As part of this restructuring, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) has gained additional responsibilities.

The most important of these responsibilities comes from the merger of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs into this ministry, which was described by a State Council official as a way of “invigorating the country through science, education and talent improvement”.

In addition, MOST will take on supervision of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, which is responsible for funding basic and applied research projects in the natural sciences. The ministry will take responsibility for establishing a national-level platform to oversee research funding in the science and technology field.

Another related change is the integration of some functions related to trademarks and patents into the State Intellectual Property Office, having previously been spread between this body and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. This change is aimed to improve China’s innovation environment by resolving issues of overlapping responsibilities.

The Ministry of Education has not been affected by this restructuring.

Analysis by Kevin Prest

The expansion of MOST’s responsibilities will not make a huge immediate difference, but will allow for more integrated policy in the science and technology area. The changes occur against a background of rising budgets for scientific research and development, with China’s universities benefiting from this increased spending.


1. China announces cabinet reshuffle plan to streamline govt work (China Daily): http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201803/13/WS5aa7224ca3106e7dcc1412f6.html

2. Top science authority to be given wider role (China Daily): http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201803/14/WS5aa8781ea3106e7dcc1417bb.html

3. Infographic 1 (China Daily): http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201803/14/WS5aa8a001a3106e7dcc141987.html

4. Infographic 2 (China Daily): http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201803/14/WS5aa882b0a3106e7dcc1418b4.html