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Chinese government organising flights to repatriate students from the UK

Yesterday (Thursday 02 April) the first flight bound for London departed from Shanghai Pudong airport for the purpose of repatriating Chinese students who are stranded due to the Covid-19 outbreak. The flight, due to pick up 180 students, was the first of several scheduled to support the repatriation of students. Priority is being given to students under the age of eighteen.

A spokesperson from China’s Foreign Ministry said the decision came after ‘considering the current epidemic situation in the UK and the variety of challenges faced by the local Chinese students’.

School closures and rising numbers of cases in the UK have left many Chinese families concerned about their children’s well-being. More than 160 families of underage Chinese students in the UK have already submitted requests for repatriation to the Chinese government. Reduced flights operating to and from China and soaring ticket prices have left many Chinese students unable to return home by their own means.

Analysis by Fraser Deas, Head of Education Services, British Council International Education Services

The concern amongst Chinese families is understandable. The rising number of cases in the UK and the slowing of the outbreak in China suggests that if students are able to return home, they may be safer to do so. Whilst a number of students are opting to leave the UK, either by their own means or through government organised initiatives, it should be noted that a large number of Chinese students, particularly university students, are choosing to remain in the UK.

UK institutions will do well to continue to offer support and guidance for both students trying to return home and those who plan to remain in the UK.

For institutions with students who have opted to stay in the UK, continued communication and sign-posting to both internal and external support services should be a priority.


State Press Office briefing on the safety of Chinese students studying abroad during the epidemic (in Chinese): http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2020-04/03/content_5498510.htm

Temporary flight for overseas students returning home takes off (in Chinese): http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2020-04/03/content_5498610.htm