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Chinese education authorities remind overseas universities of limits to recognition of distance learning during the pandemic

The Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) made further clarifications on 24 March about China’s policy on recognition of HE qualifications during the pandemic.

The notice emphasised that while students on in-person programmes studying remotely due to the pandemic would still have their degrees recognised, these policies do not apply to fully online programmes.

The announcement noted that some overseas universities offer both in-person courses (including programmes that have been adapted to online delivery due to pandemic) and fully distance learning options covering the same content, and reminded students to pay attention when selecting the teaching mode for their study as courses designed as fully online programme from the start will not be recognized by the Ministry of Education.


British Council analysis

This notice is in line with previous announcements, which have consistently pointed out that recognition flexibility during the pandemic is temporary and does not apply to courses designed as purely online programmes. It shows that Chinese authorities continue to recognise qualifications earned by students studying online as a pandemic prevention method, but that this should not be interpreted as policy change for recognition of distance learning more broadly.

