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China’s 2011 Plan – a new initiative launched by MoE & MoF

The "2011 Plan" is an initiative launched by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance to encourage greater collaboration between higher education institutions with research institutes, industries and policy support in the field of innovation.  The plan was compiled with the input from universities, local education authorities and 11 central government bodies.

As a result of ongoing globalisation and the development of the economy and society as well as production and lifestyles, innovation has become a key driving force of socio-economic reform.  China is looking to further innovation, particularly in the areas of education, science and technology.    It is essential for China to promote collaboration of all types of innovation to develop the country's competitiveness.

In brief, the "2011 Plan" will act as a guide for higher education institutions to promote and nurture world-class innovation, with the eventual aim of creating a new Chinese education model.  This will be done through the integration of HR, disciplines and research.

The four features of the plan are full openness - inclusive of all organisation; guidance and support; setup of national collaborative innovation centres; objective and fair accreditation mechanism and a diverse support mechanism.

The overall goals of the plan are fourfold.  Firstly, it looks to bring together education institutions with overseas innovative powers to further multi-disciplinary and multi-functional advantages.  Secondly, it aims to establish new models and mechanisms.  Thirdly, to create collaborative innovation centres.  Fourth, to promote the integration of knowledge, innovation, technology innovation and regional innovation.

The plan is comprised of two key tasks - creation of collaborative innovation platform and model and the establishment of innovation mechanism.  Under the first task, institutions should work to create leading academic environments and nurture new talents.  They should also seek to collaborate with local industries to drive and support regional socio-economic development.  In order to establish a collaborative innovation mechanism the plan aims to maximise human capital and encourage cross-disciplinary integration.

In terms of duration the plan will assume a four-year cycle starting in 2012.  The implementation will consist of set-up, accreditation and evaluation.  After meeting the set criteria, an application to set-up a 2011 Collaborative Innovation Centre can be submitted.  Accreditation and approval will be on an annual basis at national level.

2011 plan-en.pdf40.56 KB
Announcement_of_2011_plan-en.pdf43.65 KB