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China rolls out plans for improving the quality of vocational education teachers


Recently, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued a document titled "Opinion on the implementation plan of improving the quality of vocational college teachers (2017 - 2020)". The plan encourages higher vocational institutions to set up a number of part-time teaching posts, for recruiting personnel with high-tech and professional skills in industries, engineering management staff and craftsmen to teach, not less than 80 hours per teacher in each semester. Colleges should focus particularly on strategic emerging and high-tech industries, those in urgent demands of special expertise and technical skills, and those involved with national cultural heritage and innovation.

In addition, the Opinion encourages specific training formats (face-to-face coaching, online learning, observation and shadowing practices and others) for existing teaching staff, especially for teaching reform project leaders, outstanding young teachers with development potential, and principals of national or provincial key schools and colleges.   

The opinion makes specific note of the fields of equipment manufacturing, high-tech industries, and traditional skills experiencing a shortage of professionals. The Ministry encourages local education departments to select qualified institutions, including higher vocational institutions, local universities of applied technology, and professional skills training centres, to build up skills learning and innovation platforms. These institutions should invite skilled professionals with unique expertise and practical skills, as well as part-time teaching staff, to conduct technical and professional skills training. Vocational schools and higher vocational institutions are also encouraged to engage in R&D cooperation.


1. http://www.moe.gov.cn/srcsite/A10/s7011/201611/t20161115_288823.html